Diet in Ramadan With Sally Fouad

Diet in Ramadan like any normal time, but the difference is that lunch is a meal Iftar and meal breakfast is a meal Suhoor and salt added some sugars after Maghrib prayer like one date for breakfast and a cup of orange juice fresh and one of fruit after eating three hours Do not forget to drink water and stay away from tea and opt for water instead. Tea passes quickly over the digestive system.

Example for breakfast:

1 a date + little milk or soup, then go for Maghrib prayer.

Breakfast complete with vegetables and a little starches, protein is very important be grilled or In oven

Eating one fruit after breakfast 3 hours.

Avoid sweets and sweetened juices.


Care about dairy products, eggs and a few starches

Tips for Successful in Ramadan:

- Stay away from fatty and fried foods because they will make you feel sluggish and probably cause indigestion. Its also wise to avoid foods with a lot of sugar. and replace them with grills and vegetables, salads and fruit.

- Eat a slow digestion of carbohydrates (such as whole wheat products ),

- Drink milk or eat yogurt especially in suhoor and preferably with lemon because it helps to absorb the protein of yogurt and raises burning during sleep.

- Drink water to get rid of toxins.

- Avoid sweets and sweetened juices such as Kamareldin ... etc..

- Drink the water after eating breakfast at intervals and not once.