Dark Chocolate Health Benefits – 7 Amazements!

Dark chocolate has recently been discovered to have a number of healthy benefits. While eating dark chocolate can lead to the health benefits described below, remember that chocolate is also high in fat. Use FitDay to keep track of your calories and nutrition as you work towards your weight loss goals.

- Feel Good With a Mouthful: Did you know that dark chocolates have phenylethylamine? That’s a chemical compound that signals our brain to release mood enhancing endorphins. Also, if you have these episodes of depression that drag you to the depths of an unfathomable valley, you better pick up a darkie and treat yourself a mouthful of this wonder. It contains serotonin, a chemical compound that our body needs to deal with depression. In other words, serotonin is an anti-depressant.

2- Control Your Blood Sugar: If you are a diabetic and you happen to nurture that uncontrolled love for chocolates, you are in luck. Make a bit of adjustment and switch to dark chocolates. Italian researchers have found that dark chocolates can increase body’s insulin sensitivity allowing better absorption of insulin by body cells and it can also decrease glucose levels and fasting insulin. So, how is that possible? Thanks to flavonoids found in dark chocolates! But you still need to be cautious and treat yourself with this delicacy in moderation because it still contains some sugar and fat.

3- Preserve Your 20’s Look: Ever dreamed of an elixir that can give you immortal youth? Well, there is no such thing but you can still slow down the aging process and maintain a youthful, vibrant and glowing skin with dark chocolates. Yes, this is one of the many dark chocolate health benefits. This delicacy is rich in antioxidants that not only destroy free-radicals responsible for premature aging but also prevent cancer.

4- Sheild Your Heart with Some Darkie: Flavonoids present in dark chocolate are actually antioxidants that destroy free radicals and help to control cholesterol. This significantly reduces the risks of several types of cardiac disorders including cardiac arrest.

5-Make Your Skin Sun-Ready: This is one more of the dark chocolate health benefits. This delicacy is known to have several compounds that can increase the water retention capability of your skin, making is elastic and supple. These compounds also increase your skin’s UV tolerance and improves blood flow throughout the body including skin. So, a daily dose of dark chocolates will keep your skin sun-ready!

6- Defend Your Brain against Alzheimer’s Disease: Studies show that dark chocolate can help to improve brain’s health because it helps to improve blood circulation to the brain cells. Other studies also show that dark chocolates help to stimulate brain functions at old age and improve memory for patients of Alzheimer’s disease. Those not already affected by Alzheimer’s disease can prevent the occurrence of this disease by consuming dark chocolates every day.

7-Greatest Benefit – Control Your Weight: Why is this the greatest of all dark chocolate health benefits? That’s because no one wants to gain fat and that’s the condition people are most worried about. Low calorie diets, zero-fat food…damn! People just can’t think of anything else. Okay, just don’t throw yourself in a pool of dark chocolates because anything beyond moderation is going to hurt and eating too much dark chocolate can add fat! Dark chocolates don’t really increase fat metabolism. It rather gives you the feeling of fullness and suppresses your hunger. This prevents you from eating unnecessarily and thereby prevents unnecessary energy storage in form of fat.