Finding the Right Earrings for Your Face Shape

We often ignore the importance of wearing an earring that actually suits the shape of our face. In a rush? Wear a pair of easy-to-put-in danglers. Don't know what to wear? Hunt for the time-tested, classic pearl studs. What we often don't realize is that these earrings may not necessarily suit our face type, and by just picking a perfectly-shaped earring, every flaw can be hidden and every strength enhanced.
1-Oval Face
You sure are lucky! You are one of those few women who can wear any style of earrings. From studs to huggies to danglers, and even chandeliers; there is no obstacle that blocks your way. All we have for you is a suggestion. Your looks are accentuated the most when you wear teardrop earrings as these create an illusion of balance.
2-Round Face
Women with round faces can often be thrown off by earring choices. If you have a round face, then your aim should be to make your face look longer and less puffy. The best way to achieve this is to wear thin, long danglers or even earrings with a slight teardrop. Opt for angular/geometric designs so that your face seems thinner. Avoid hoop earrings as they tend to make round faces seem wider than they are.
3-Heart-Shaped Face
If you have a heart-shaped face, then you need something that is the complete opposite of someone with a round face. Your aim should be to make your face seem wider; this is the reason you should opt for earrings that have elongated shapes and curves. These earrings will balance out your face, and accentuate your eyes and cheekbones. Opt for chandelier earrings. These look especially good on women who have heart-shaped faces.
4-Square Face
A square face needs some softening, and the best way to do that is to wear long, rounded earrings that will soften your cheekbones and your jawline. Over-sized hoops, dramatic danglers, feather earrings are all examples of ear accessories that will take the edge off the very strong jawline of a woman with a square face. Avoid any earrings that have well-defined and strong edges as they tend to emphasize your already strong jawline.
5-Narrow Face
Narrow faces are too thin, and need an illusion of width. Pearl earrings which are naturally rounded are a good option for women with this face shape. Clustered earrings which hug the earlobe can also be an excellent choice. Long, thin dangling earrings and chandeliers on the other hand, tend to make the face look thinner and sharper.
6-Diamond-Shaped Face
If you have a diamond-shaped face, then you should opt for long earrings with curves. Ear accessories best suited for this face type include danglers and hoops. Earrings which have gentle curves negate sharp, angular cheekbones and jawlines. Avoid any earrings that also feature a diamond-like shape as these exaggerate your own face shape.