Hair Care Tips For Veiled Woman

Sometimes women are afraid or worried about their hair will be damaged and not maintained when using the veil. But that's not true. Here are a few hair care for veiled women:

1. Choose a scarf or veil of material that easily absorbs sweat, Such as cotton or jersey. Fabric material that easily absorbs sweat and large porous is very useful to facilitate air circulation in the head.

2. Like the model of modern veil. You may have your hood up to the creation model of multi-layered. But remember not more than four strands. The thicker your veil, your hair is more difficult to breathe.

3. Avoid using layer hood with too frequent and tight. In addition to hair breathing is difficult, it also has the potential to make the scalp moist.

4. If you want to use headscarves better you break down your hair or do not tie it too tight. To avoid a rolled-up hair should not let your hair to be long for 60 cm.

5. Avoid dark colors for the veil or headscarf. Dark colors absorb the sun's easy. If you are a lot more activity in the sun, prefer soft colors or white.

6. Do not be too often tie your scarf at the neck. Air coming into your sign will be even thinner if you tie at the neck scarf. Hoods should be removed until the trailing edge so that the young hair breathe.

7. Choose a comb with big teeth. comb your hair before using veil. This will make your hair more neat well maintained can improve blood circulation in the head.

8. Wash your hair regularly 2-3 days. Use a shampoo according to the type of hair. Or at least choose a gentle shampoo that can be used every day. Make sure your hair is dry before using the hood. The use of the veil as wet hair can make your head spin.

9. Creambath do it once a week in order to provide nutrients to the hair and scalp to keep it healthy. Choose a cream that suits your hair type or naturally with the use of materials for dry hair types avocado, lemon juice for oily hair and dandruff, while ginseng is believed to strengthen the hair roots.

10. Give your hair mask once a week to maintain health and strength of the hair roots. Use ready-made mask that suits your hair type is usually available at cosmetic stores. Then apply a mask around the hair. Let stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse again with clean water.