Perfect Eyebrows for your Face shape

The size and shape of your face should be factored into how your eyebrows should be shaped, as the brows can be great tools at balancing out the face. For example, if you have a long face, you don’t want thin, heavily arched brows since this will elongate your face even more. There are plenty of other tricks such as this one! The shape of your brows can counter balance face shape as well as drawing or diverting attention from your features. Want your round face to look slimmer? Your nose to look smaller? Want your eyes to look further apart? Change your brows!

Take a good hard look in the mirror. Pull your hair back and consider your whole face. Or ask a friend or hair stylist for their opinion. Knowing what shape your face is can also greatly influence the type of hair style you should choose.
Once you have figured it out, keep these tips in mind when working towards the perfect set.

Take a pencil and place it vertically along the side of your nose. The inner part of the brow should start directly/ vertically above the nostril.
To see where your brow should end, take the pencil diagonally from the middle of your nostril to the outer corner of your eye.
The arch of your brow can be found by taking the pencil diagonally from your nostril and through the iris. Where the pencil crosses your brow should be the highest point of your arch.

Oval Face

The oval face is considered to be the most desirable shape of all the face shapes, so you don’t need to use the eyebrows as weapons to achieve a different shape – you have brow freedom! It’s safe to keep your eyebrows medium to full, with a soft arch. You can pull off a higher arch, but anything too dramatic will make you look surprised, or worse, angry. Stick with safe and natural!

Long Face

To avoid the face from looking too long, keep your brows soft and straight. High arches are bad, as they will make the face appear longer. Thin brows will also give the illusion of length in your face.

Round Faces

Keep a fuller brow with a soft angle. The arch will help to elongate the face.
Do not make your eyebrows too thin – this will make your face look rounder.
Stay away from flat brows, as well as round ones. Both will do nothing to counteract roundness.

Square Face

You have plenty of angles in your face (especially in your jaw), so you want to keep your brows and the arch of your brow soft to balance this out. An almost straight line suits this face type.


Keep your brows soft, with a round arch. This balances out the angles that already exist in your face – and the point of your chin. Stay away from flat, straight brows as they won’t balance with your chin well.