Benefits Of Nigella ( Black Cumin ) For Hair

Here are Benefits Of Nigella ( Black Cumin ) For Hair , Black Seed Oil Benefits for Hair Growth
Black seed oil has a bit of a reputation as a cure-all remedy. With its numerous health benefits and a mile long list of diseases it can help control or at least positively impact, it’s easy to jump to this conclusion. Black seed oil has been rumored to improve not only overall hair health, but alsoto have the ability to speedup or regrow lost hair. This article will examine what black seed oil can actually do for your hair.

Hair Growth: Facts and Myths
The pure promise of hair regeneration is not accurately documented, so don’t expect a miracle cure since there really hasn’t been conclusive evidence of this with any product. Science just doesn’t back it up. As for speeding up hair growth, there’s not much conclusive evidence for that, either. However, many products containing black seed oil claim to have the same basic properties, so if hair growth can be sped up, this products has the elements to do it. But there are some things that black seed oil can do: including preventing certain kinds of hair loss, either natural or medically caused, and improving hair that has been damaged so it grows back healthy.

Preventing Hair Loss
Certain types of fungal infections can cause hair loss that is sometimes permanent. Black seed oil has antifungal properties that are proven to prevent these kinds of infections. Black seed oil can also be used as a replacement for some kinds of medications that have hair loss as a side effect. By switching to this herbal remedy, hair loss can be avoided. Some studies even show that black seed oil has the potential to replace chemotherapy, a treatment that also has the unfortunate side effect of hair loss, among other things. There is no study yet to prove that black seed oil can prevent hereditary balding but some people claim it helps.

Promoting Healthy Hair Overall
What is known for a fact is that black seed oil promotes overall health for hair. It contains all of the elements needed to keep hair at its best. Black seed oil can be ingested for these benefits but also applied directly to the hair and scalp for an even more intense effect. Black seed oil has many moisturizing qualities, as it contains the fatty acids needed to protect hair from damage. These acids create a layer over the hair that keeps the elements, toxins and day-to-day wear and tear from affecting the hair. Black seed oil also contains many helpful vitamins that can be massaged into the scalp.

While black seed oil might not be able to recreate hair from nothing, or completely halt genetic hair loss, it can certainly boost the overall health of hair. It can prevent some kinds of hair loss, the kinds we often don’t worry about but are very real. It can also fix hair that has been badly damaged either by styling or coloring. Damaged hair can grow back healthy and shiny from the roots down. Black seed oil can truly offer benefits for hair that few other oils can.